Saturday, July 4, 2015


In a few days, it will be 4 years since we bought the house, and our neighbors Alain et Joelle — the ones who never leave the house without their perfect Barbour outfits — still think we are the hired help.

Yesterday, their dog Taxi escaped and ended up on our property. Tom, continuing our dog rescue tradition, grabbed him and took him back home. The gate was closed, there was no door bell. He yelled "Allo? Allo?" through an open window. When Joelle finally came to the window, the conversation was short and somewhat predicable.

Tom: I have Taxi!
Joelle: Impossible. I haven't ordered one. 

I really wanted to record this story, but don't have a photo for it. So instead, here is a picture Erica took a few weeks back that shows we really are the hired help at heart.