Monday, August 27, 2012

Life after the big buffet

For those of you who may miss the buffet, here it is, one last time. (Unlike the buffet, the table and chairs have been stored in the cellar for potential future use. Not burned).

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Random things we own

Potager bounty






Indoor project number 4

This bedroom has been a favorite among our guests. Aud, Lily, Meredith and Amy all chose it over the larger, more private upstairs bedrooms. We had done a decent job of "appointing" it, yet it came with the sandard issue Bergerie glued velvet wall-to-wall carpeting and stapled silk wall fabric.

This time, the surprise behind the fabric was a wall of very 3D stucco.

Tom strategy was to fill it with plaster. Which took 3 coats and a bunch of sanding.

But once that was done, all it needed was a fresh coat of paint and we could put back the newly stained old furniture. We even re-used the art work on the walls. (Mimi: tu reconnaitras un petit tapis de l'île Paton!)

Done and done!