Friday, March 31, 2017

Words escape us.

What a beautiful present from some of our favorite -- and littlest -- guests.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The gift that keeps on giving....

Traditional corned beef dinner  => traditional Reuben sandwich lunch

Country folks

Miss Ann also shot this video...

Merci, Miss Ann!

When she visited us a few weeks back, Miss Ann arrived with a heavy suitcase full of goodies for us. There were chocolate covered oranges, heavy duty foil, array of American meats! Brisket, ham hocks and a 5 pound corned beef. At the time, it seemed completely over the top, but we were really happy to have a proper Saint Patrick's dinner last night! Delicious.

We have an excellent comment from Je m'appele Brad.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Preparing sandwiches for the flight.

At the rate it's going, it might be more appropriate to say "bon appetit" than "bon voyage".