Monday, March 30, 2020

Quarantine / day 14 : other people's quarantine projects

Michel builds some sort of cool préau contraption
Cyril is stripping the stucco from his house.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Quarantine / day 9: the gates of la Borde

1 la Borde: Hubert ( who's always working outside) and his daughter

2 la Borde (no gate): Jean-François et Jacqueline (who both have green thumbs - his: vegetables, hers: dahlias)

3 la Borde: Michel (who is always building something) and Sylviane

4 la Borde: Jean-Luc (who can get in touch with the spirit of your dead dog) and Annette (who has ponys)

6 la Borde: Jeremy and Katy (who is boarding a dozen horses)

7 la Borde: Tom (l'Américain) and m-c

8 la Borde: René (who's never there, but often drives from Paris just to pick-up his mail)

9 la Borde: Alain and Joëlle (who dress like English aristocracy when they go on walks)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quarantine / day 3: serious stuff

A person can go out if they carry on themselves a note swearing on their honor that you are off to get essential goods. Tom came back with a chicken, hamburger, chipolatas, a beef roast, various charcuteries and a carton-full of vegetables. The freezer will remain un-touched for the moment.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Quarantine / day 1: we will be fine.


m-c's bathroom

guest bedroom #1

guest bedroom #2

master bath