Sunday, August 19, 2012

Indoor project number 4

This bedroom has been a favorite among our guests. Aud, Lily, Meredith and Amy all chose it over the larger, more private upstairs bedrooms. We had done a decent job of "appointing" it, yet it came with the sandard issue Bergerie glued velvet wall-to-wall carpeting and stapled silk wall fabric.

This time, the surprise behind the fabric was a wall of very 3D stucco.

Tom strategy was to fill it with plaster. Which took 3 coats and a bunch of sanding.

But once that was done, all it needed was a fresh coat of paint and we could put back the newly stained old furniture. We even re-used the art work on the walls. (Mimi: tu reconnaitras un petit tapis de l'île Paton!)

Done and done!

1 comment:

  1. Looks fantastic. Love the curtains. Just surprised in the description you never call it Aud's room, which is how I always think of it. Looks like you guys have made fantastic progress this week.
