Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekly update

We woke up saturday to a torrential downpour in Paris. But by the time we got to Vimory, it was warm and the sky was a perfect blue.

We met with our "team" to discuss next steps -- the kitchen! Patrick brought us a big bag of girolles that he picked himself that very morning. We are spending the night for the first time in a month! The house is very much upside down, but Thierry left a few powerful space heaters to make up for the fact that there is no heat and Colette had prepared Aud's bedroom for us, even lining up our slippers by the bed. We are very lucky for this team.

We built a big fire in the firepit by the river and spent a evening looking at stars.

It rained again on the drive back to Paris. But we have our loot!

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