Friday, December 28, 2012


Luc cooked for us at la Bergerie last night. On the menu:

Saumon fumé de chez Petrossian
Crème fraiche épaisse non-pasteurisée

Une bouteille de Loupiac

Fromage Mont d'or, réchauffé au four
Pommes de terres vitellottes
Pain Poilane


une ENORME truffe.

Sans oublier

Deux Corton Charlemagne 1997

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A reminder

This is La Bergerie before we bought it:

And the week we moved in:

Monday, November 26, 2012

Le verger, part 3 // A visit from Monsieur Pimolle

Here is Tom discussing soil quality with Monsieur Pimolle. Apologies for the paparazzi quality of the photo.

Details of the project.

Le verger, part 2 // Chez Monsieur Pimolle

A rainy day visit to the nearby "pépinièriste".  Lucky for us, he specializes in fruit trees, specifically ancient varieties of apple trees from the Gatinais region (where we live).

Le verger, part 1 // This is the spot

Le Docteur et Madame Rey had the foresight to buy this piece of land across the road from the house to guarantee no unsightly neighbours. Tom has declared it the perfect location for the orchard he's always dreamed of.